Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees ...

Bob Clouse - Chairperson

The Appointment Process:

Appointments to the Board of Trustees of the Fair Oaks Cemetery District are made by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. Each Trustee is appointed for a four year term. As each term expires, vacancies are announced by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Applications are accepted by the Clerk and are reviewed by the Members of the Board of Supervisors. The successful applicant must be nominated by the Supervisor of District 3 or District 4, and must receive a majority vote of the entire Board.

Applications are available at the District Office or by telephone or email request.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of the Fair Oaks Cemetery District, please feel free to stop by the Cemetery Office to pick up an application, or send us an email.

Bob ClouseBob Clouse was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Directors in 2005. He and his wife Jeanne have lived in Fair Oaks since 1974. Bob has owned and operated Bob Clouse Insurance, an independent insurance agency, since 1978. He is active in the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce and has been active in other activities in the community which include Past Master of Fair Oaks Grange; Past Master of California State Grange; Past chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Grange (Wash. D.C.). He is a past President of Del Campo Girls Softball, served as President of Sacramento County Fair Board of Directors, has worked with Boy Scouts of America where he received the Silver Bear award, and he is currently VP California FFA Foundation. He enjoys hunting, fishing and going to the Sacramento Kings basketball games.

Tom Askins - Vice Chairperson

Tom Askins - Pacific Investment CenterTom Askins has lived in Fair Oaks since 1992, and has served on the Board of Trustees of the Fair Oaks Cemetery District since his appointment by Supervisor Roger Niello in September 2000. Tom is a graduate of the University of San Francisco with a BA in Applied Economics. He is the owner of Pacific Investment Center, specializing in managing money for individuals and corporations. Tom is very active in the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce as a former member of the Board of Directors 2002-2006, Past President-2003, Recruiter of the Year and Citizen of the Year 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and Citizen of the Year 2004. In addition, Tom has worked in a volunteer capacity with drug and alcohol abuse for the past 37 years.  

Patricia M. Vogel

Pat VogelPat Vogel was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Trustees in February 2005 by Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. Pat is a retired secretary from the State of Calif. She has been on the Fair Oaks Water District Policy Advisory Committee, a past Fair Oaks Theatre Festival board member, and is a member of the Fair Oaks Historical Society. Pat is a Past President and Vice President of Fair Oaks Inner Wheel. She is an active member of the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce. Pat has been married for 42 years, and has lived in Fair Oaks for 26 years.

Beverly Dodds  

Beverly J. Dodds, Board of Trustees memberA Fair Oaks resident for over 30 years, Beverly J. Dodds has served on the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Trustees since January, 2000. Bev has been a homemaker for 50 years, and a Red Cross volunteer as a nurses assistant at Mather A.F.B. hospital in the ER for 14 years. She is a member of Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild, River City Kneedle Knockers, and Sacramento Center for The Textile Arts.

Carolyn Flood

Carolyn Flood was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Trustees in April of 2006 by Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. She has been a resident of Fair Oaks since 1975. She previously served on the Board of Trustees of the Fair Oaks Cemetery District from 1993 to 1996 when she was appointed by Supervisor David Cox. Carolyn is a graduate of Fresno State College where she completed her requirements for a Lifetime Teaching Credential in Elementary Education. She retired in 2001 from the Folsom Cordova Unified School District after a teaching career of 33 years. She has worked within the field of acting, modeling, commercial print, and voice-overs. She currently volunteers her time with Landmark Education Corporation, Faith Episcopal Church, and the homeowner’s association of the community where she resides. She enjoys traveling with family and friends and spending time with her grandchildren.

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